Sunday, February 04, 2007

Nuther Poetry Referral

If you have any balls or just enough gall, go to a short poem at

Judy Garland Blues called

In The Dark

It's dark. It's heavy. But it's elegant. (And it's short!)


  1. Hmmmmm - yes, dark and heavy, but revealing - is it autobiographical, Ron?

    If it is, your astrological natal chart matches it quite well. (I had to guess where in Texas Chigger is 'cos it's not in my software's atlas). Mercury and the Moon in Pisces were likely to be close together when you were born( how close depends on the time of day), this translates into an ease in communicating emotion ( both dark and light). Saturn (the dark and heavy planet) was right opposite the Sun as you came into the world, which might account for your dark and heavy feelings at times - but Sun in Aquarius will never stay dark for long - trust me - too much going on in that brain of yours.
    It's a lovely, emotional piece of writing, Ron.

  2. it time for me to make a remark yet about being in the Twilight Zone? But thanks for the attention and the appreciation. I always like getting stroked!


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)