Friday, February 02, 2007

Better, Better, Worse!

I have been going in and out and up and down repeatedly, trying to adequately finish and perfect the decorative graphics and/or headers for my several blogs, including some that are just practice blogs. It won't work! Or, should I say, it won't come to an end! There is NO such thing as perfection. I keep changing and improving and revising, but...sigh! I have decided to adopt a new rule of thumb: DON'T work on it anymore or you'll make it worse! It's like picking at a scab, for God's sake!

See these overly-decorated familiar blogs, if you care to be bored to tears and/or infuriated. Look at the bottom of each front page as well as the top.

Most Frequent Blogger Questions
Dogger Gatsby's Blues
Judy Garland Blues


  1. I've decided that if you were a woman, you'd be the type who was constantly redecorating!LOL!

  2. Yeah, the problem with that is that I redecorate from a more neurotic impulse whereas women probably get some joy out of decorating! Can't be sure.. (said Eeyore)

  3. I like them all. The Blogger Questions is a little Picassoish!

    I also like Ms. Orwell too!

    I never got Judy's header to open. Recently, I've had trouble getting Blogger photos to open, in mine, in others too. Do you know of any problems, or is it just me.

  4. Speaking of Judy Garland, There is an a popular new group on Yahoo
    called THE JUDY GARLAND EXPERIENCE. They feature amazingly rare audio
    files, photo's, lively discussions, and more! The membership includes
    people who knew Judy, authors of books on Judy, people who have
    directed movies about her, longtime fans, new fans, and members of
    Judy's family. The only thing missing from the group is you! Please
    stop by and check it out.

  5. I like the new look on the Judy Garland Blues blog. Now add some more content. :)

  6. It's addictive ain't it, Ron?
    Changing blog headers. Once you start it's hard to stop. It makes a nice change from puzzling over what to write next, I find.
    Yours are looking very good now.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)