I'd like to feel you up, he said, and if not you, then someone else would do. What's your pretty sister doing? Or, for that matter, the homely one? I'm not in love and can't pretend to be. You got a sister who just likes to wiggle, or a mommy who used to be a bouncy busty beauty before everything went South, or even a pair of rubber gloves--I could teach you how to do it, it ain't hard, or rather, it IS hard and I got to do somethin' about it, can't you tell!!! I'm lonesome, lass, and I can't do a thing about it...well, there's that, but I avoid it because I might get addicted to it, you know, he said laughing, emphasizing the addicted until it sounded like ad-dick-ted, so why in the world did she continue to stand there with him, it was a big world, a big piece of beach and lots of people and if she waited long enough one of them cops in shorts would come along or maybe two of them, probably one to chat with while the other one did the arrest. Old crumb bum, she didn't know why he hung around like this, he often did, she never felt so naked as when he came out and stumbled over and glued his eyes to her crotch or made her nipples do little dances under her swimming top instead of just sitting there like they were meant to do, almost like they were trying to get excited, but how'd that be, she'd been a beauty back in high school and wasn't that far from it yet, so why's SHE getting stuck with this derelict who probably wanted to fuck almost anything female he saw. If she was like him, she'd want to fuck almost any man she saw, and that would be pathetic. So why tolerate Him? |
Friday, November 30, 2007
Get Away Before You Explode
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Revert To Never-Never-Land?
I found a curious thing, though I may be among the last to discover it. I just took a recently-created blog, played with it, then subjected it to the Revert to Classic button. Oddly enough, the system "reverted" it even though it had never been a classic template. I didn't test everthing about it, but I thought it was very curious. Maybe someday I'll think of some use for this marvellous piece of information. Till then, la di dah, on we dance... |
I Don't Wanna!
I Don't Wanna Pickle... |
I'm just tired of hearing bloggers whine about not wanting to give up their precious old Classic template and be forced to Upgrade to New Blogger. Now that it's been many months, it's like some kid insisting on staying on his tricycle when we all know it's time to ride the bicycle! Shit, get off the pot, willya!? So what if this is America and nobody wants to be forced to do anything. I was reviewing some of my posts in my help blog, "Most Frequent Blogger Questions", when I realized that one of the posts contained instructions Only for the New Blogger. I thought for a moment that I'd add instructions for how to do that in Classic when I realized that I no longer knew how to do it in Classic! It was like trying to remember how to hand-roll a cigarette or something, it was buried in the back of my cast-iron brain! Maybe it could be retrieved, but what the fuck for?! I'm not gonna smoke it! |
The Usual Beat
Bloggers? They write gooshy posts about Christmas and further foul up the season, don't they? There's already enough carrying on and tra-la-la-ing going on if you ask me. I've never understood why you can't just shoot the silly sonsofbitches. It would be a lot quieter. |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
All Together
What is it with this "rcs" in my signature instead of my name at the bottom of these posts? Am I a supreme egotist? Well, yes. The substitution for "Ron Southern" has been going on since I was a teenager when I began signing poems and letters with those initials. At the time, I would scrawl an "x" under the initials and later it turned into a curly rat-tail connected to the "s". In the Internet world, the "x" turned into a period ("."), don't ask me why. Email and blogs may have curtailed all the cursive writing in the world as well as my esoteric "signature", but there remains this keyboard signature. So the current "rcs" dates back to when I was 17 or so, and that means about 40 years of scrawling or representing that signature. |
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Well, I got a handful of comments--just round up the usual suspects, Louis! Nobody wanted to argue, so that much was good. I hate it when I have to kill a friend. Or have such done to me, for that matter.
Bah, it's late, and my brain can't be trusted to continue long. It already seems like a very long walk from here (my study) to the house. Off I go. Uh, I been off for a long time, come to think of it!
Twiddler--Izzat Something Sexy?
No damn new comments today, either! But Loren sneaked one in last night, so I guess that counts somewhere--whether yesterday or today, it counts!
La di dah, twiddling my thumbs again now...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sniff, Approximately
Big Weep |
I usually have a comment or two every day. EVERY day. Not so today! Bold Jesus, what has gone wrong? Will the planet tilt next and the big yellow-cheese ball plummet out of the sky? I'm worried. I don't care if some of you are dead (I couldn't control it in any case), I just wonder what I'm going to occupy my day with if this keeps up! |
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Christmas Grrr!
I just finished putting together a 3 year old's Radio Flyer "little red wagon". Whew!!! You'd think it would be easy, but you wouldn't have talked to me, if that's what you thought! I can make anything difficult. The wagon isn't my present to him, I was just the workman. The tricycle, also Radio Flyer, hidden in the garage at present, is the present I'm getting him. For a kid his age, he's about to be rich! Lord knows what other treasure he'll rack up this Christmas! So will his older sister, but she's has more prior experience that he's had, and besides she can read, so nothing much can be said about that here. Of course, she'd probably get a whipping if she was found browsing in horrid sites like mine. I might even be the one to whip her! Hope none of her treasure has to be put together. If so, her Daddy will have to do that--I've done my one good deed for the season! The rest of you can just Beware and Bugger Off! Mad dog here, nobody approach!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Two years have elapsed in Aruba (as well as here) and it appears that Natalee Holloway's still missing and still dead. |
Goodbye Winston Hello Stalin
A Season In Hell
I have new neighbors. When I met one of them, he seemed alright, but now that his dogs have moved in, I hope he dies in hell. The damned fucking dogs are just little dachshunds, but they never stop barking at anyone in my yard, whether it's me or children, whether it's minutes or hours. I am starting to have fond thoughts of beating the two of them to death with my walking stick, and that's no joke. Jesus, what a bad trip having neighbors is! |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sugar-Free Snack Patrol
Hill & Valley makes some fabulous, great big oatmeal raisin cookies, big enough for the greediest of cookie monsters! That's the ticketummm. |
I realize I failed to give the exact names, but I generally eat 'em, I don't make personal friends with 'em! If you try them and they suck, send the unused portion to me and I'll dispose of them in a sanitary manner. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Nobody I Know
Fear, What Fears?
What am I afraid of?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Old Friends
Here's a poem that means a lot to me, so that makes it "good". Yet it's also bad. I can't explain. Click Beautiful Diana for a fairly long but conversational read. |
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Humanity I love you
Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both
parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old Howard
Humanity i love you because
when you're hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you're flush your pride keeps
you from the pawn shop and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house
Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it's there and sitting down
on it
and because you are
always making poems in the lap
of death Humanity
i hate you
by E.E. Cummings
Friday, November 16, 2007
One Bullet
[A Pox On Your House!]
Why can't I get no fucking votes? I don't mean the meaningless Poll located in the sidebar here, but the two Polls in my other blog, "Most Frequent Blogger Questions". Both polls there are serious, both attempting to determine what percentage of people are getting any help from the site. If there ever were to be a significant number, perhaps I would mend my ways and improve the site! But so far, the votes have dragged in slowly like children forced to walk to school. If you all happened to line up single-file and God gave me a gun with a single unstoppable bullet, I'd be in heaven! Skunks to you all!!! And troubling mice as well! May rats nibble your Bibles and crap on your velvet portraits of Elvis.
Dorothy Finds A Father Figure
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! He's only adjusting his pants!
More Than
Thirteen Terrible Thoughts for Today
General idea stolen from Frustrated Writer. It's sloppy, but it's useful!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Another of Frustrated's Lists
Thirteen Famous People I Would Like to Taser
Monday, November 12, 2007
Send Brothers, Blogs and Money!
("The Shit Has Hit The Fan")
No, it hasn't! I am actually here to play, as always. It's blogging, and blogging has become a part of how I live. I can try to consider ads and such, but so far it has not taken. I was poor before I found blogging, I guess I can be poor some more. Wasn't that a novel? "Poor No More"! Song and book titles stick in my mind like bread crumbs with jelly. Read it as a teenager--something about Africa, but I can't remember what!
Oh, but should I have more ambition here, you ask? Or maybe it's I who ask. Yes, but it was always so, and I am still this poor Thing you see (or read), no better! Who knows? I have always been in need of a (nonexistent) older brother to straighten me out in these and other matters. Maybe he'd have gotten me laid more or drunk on my can more often. Or gotten me to vote Republican--naw, that would have been pushing his influence. But I have to guess at all that. All I ever had was some rambunctious cousins who were too close to my own age or too far away geographically to suit the bill as "big brother" substitute. I had a couple of "young" uncles, but that ain't the same, either! So on and on we go... That's ANOTHER song lyric. A kiss on the lips to whoever guesses what song or where it's from! (Ha--a poor prize, but mine own!)
So what was this post about--brothers, blogs or money? Even my memory is poor!
The book below even looks like the cheap paperback edition that I read as a kid!
Human Impulses Be Damned
When I was younger I was always getting a great hardon for some girl who didn't want me to, who didn't even want to know about it! Now that I am older, the hardons are few and not so hard, but the girls (the women, too) have all the same objections, and more. Is it always morality and repugnance, or are they sometimes just subverting our instinctual reality for a lark? I don't think they would tell... Maybe lady Bloggers would? But they aren't close enough, are they? My hardons for them are really literary, not literal--call it purely ephemeral! So sad.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hungry Recliners, Lazy Humans
Well, goddamn, I've been fooled and fucked. My old favorite pocket knife (Buck #501) wasn't lost this past year and more! It was hiding under a big recliner that nobody ever completely moved when vacuuming. It's hard to say if I was glad to see it or not since I'd already replaced it a few weeks ago with another locking-blade knife, a Winchester something-or-other. Sorta nice to have it, but if one remembers to carry one's knife in one's pocket, what the hell use is there for a spare? What WILL I do with two, and WHICH one will I carry? I love the old one, but am still shamefully enamoured of the shiny new one! Maybe some friendly thief will come and relieve me of the burden of this ownership and then I'll have to fall back on the old one? Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right! Maybe I'll become a collector like our friend Frustrated. No, I can't do that, I'm already collecting cheap hats. Bought another $2 hat yesterday--it's even a different style than the others, though similar enough. You wouldn't mistake it for a goddamn cowboy hat, anyway.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Out And About
I've been out and about lately, buying this and buying that. After having the carotid ultrasound test (easy, over in no time, very expensive!), I went for a drive in my car (which I'd just spent 300-plus dollars on) to the nearby Good Will Store. There it took forever to go through the pants because the manufacturers and the store personnel seem to conspire to place the size tag where it can't be found when clamped into one of Good Will's magic fuck-you hangers! Just to add a kick in the seat to a kick in the teeth, some pants sizes could not be found when removed completely from the hangers and turned inside out! I even tried to look for places where a tag had been cut off, but didn't find it. One wonders how they ever sold the pants when they were new. I felt like an enemy agent from whom they were hiding important information! Quite successfully in some cases. Finally found 3 pair of pants and two shirts that were the right size, made a quick tour around the store in case they were selling gold for lead, and then got out of there!
Since the office equipment store was nearby, I cruised by there and checked out various things, but mainly their selection of office desks. The cheaper they were, the less I liked them, and the more outrageously they were priced, the MORE I liked them! The really nice ones were $1700 (oak) and $1500 (cherry). I thought the price of the one for $500 was extravagant for me, though it was humbled by the high price and gorgeousity of the top of the line models! I had office desks when I worked at the University, but they were always used ones whether they were wood or steel. NEW would be nice. But my tastes exceed my grasp. It would take every cent I own to get either of the expensive ones. That's not what would be considered wise.
So I went on a small spending spree to get the poison out of my system. I don't remember it all. I bought a new ball point ($2). I bought some multivitamins (ugh, I must be old). Some clip-on sunglasses ($18). Two low-price CD's ($14 total)--Elvis and Ray Charles. Can't do without the dead guys. Went on a junk-run in the grocery section: sugar-free soft drinks and cookies, along with wheat bread, raisin bread, various items I can't think of now and can't ever do without. Oh, Cheetoes--that's one! Etc.
Came home and wrote some checks to some sonsofbitches I owe money to. Some of them are doctors or clinics who didn't "find anything". They charge for examining you, not for curing you! It's a pretty good system (for them).
Among the emails here lately have been a few from my friend George, who decided to crawl out of the muck (I don't really know what it was) after five years and let it be known he was alive and doing fairly well. I wish people wouldn't do that, but then I love him, and that's a fact I can't knock down with all my chagrin about his absence. Hope he stays a while.
Further Inanimate-World Speculation
Not to mention that sometimes I just bore me shitless!
This is, however, NOT a poll!
The Inanimate World
Do you ever think that the inanimate world is out to fuck you over?
Just a thought.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Jeez. I Furfingfluffered!
Oops! I got to adjust something, I don't know what, but I'll hurry! Too many scrolls per post (in some posts)!
Okay, okay, I saved it. Hopefully no more multiple scrollydividers!
Profoundly grateful to all of those who held their breath for five seconds...
No More HR!
I was using <hr color=crimson>I guess that stands for "horizontal rule"at the end of every post so that I (or you) could tell at a glance where each post ended or began when one was browsing. Now I've shoved this row of scrollydivider S-looking thingswhatever they areinto a more appropriate "end of post" position in the code. It was more difficult to locate. Naturally, I think I'm a genius (as I always do) when anything goes right or when I figure anything out with the furfingfluffing damn code! Ha! Beat you down, you goddamn wretched sonofabitch template!!!
No doubt lots of smart people in the blog world shrug about my victory, but I don't mind. For me, it's rocket science! Not to mention, just having the patience to find the right place! Getting old is no fun, boys and girls. I trip on every pebble and rejoice at every feeble trip across the finish line!
And NOW, once again, comes the famous Scrollydivider!!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Doppler Neck-toid!!!
I spoke too soon when I mentioned "the next procedure some mad scientist wants to perform". At any rate, it took no time before just that occurred. What I thought would be some fairly uneventful chat (since that's all I've been having lately, sonsabitches), but this medical practitioner thought it'd be a great idea to have me take a carotid Doppler test! What am I, a weather system now? Apparently, Doppler in this sense is a synonym for ultrasound. Oh. Sounds like nuthin'. Except when they start finding blood clots and clumps of cholesterol and half-digested carrots and thin-shaved ham sludge showing up in there. Then they'll have some other torture machine to attach me to. I just know it. Probably something worse than the slow speed on one of those cowboy-bar bull rides. It won't kill me, maybe--but something will, and knowing too much makes me feel like it's hurrying along. I'll be paying for this procedure in increments for four months. Whoopee, we're all gonna die!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tip Toe Through The Tulips
I used to write health (or medical) updates to a set of friends via email, but I haven't kept that up for some time. People drift apart, for one thing. For another, I don't seem so dramatic a subject to me any more. Without getting well, my diseases are made commonplace and unworthy of remark. I take my medication and until the next procedure some mad scientist wants to perform, it is difficult to focus myself on the current state of health sufficiently to have words for it all. I've worn out many of the words, and am sick of myself, so how could my friends not be sick of me? Therefore, I've tapered off, and seldom have much to say. I use the cane more and sometimes wonder if that doesn't make me more dependent--it's a vicious circle, maybe. Even if it does, it insures against me falling to the floor again, an experience one cannot relish! I really only fell (completely) once, but once is all it takes to make me stop trying to "bull" my way through all this feebleness in my head or neuropathy in my feet that contributes to my present state of inattention. Am I "dizzy" or not? I don't know--the word has a tendency to sound comical and therefore I shun it when I can. But the semantics don't really matter much, do they? The only bad thing about the cane these days is that once in a while you have to prop it somewhere for a moment, and when I do that, it is apt to slide askew and fall to the floor! Damnation! I cobbled together some bits of leather I already had lying around and made a sort of "holster" for the cane to hang on the back of my belt, out of the way when I need to employ both hands at once. That works pretty well unless I forget it's there and start taking full steps with it, causing the cane to swing and almost trip me. Nothing's perfect. This method sure isn't.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Dog Remarks, Etc. by Diogenes
A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.
Stand a little less between me and the sun.
Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.
I am called a dog because I fawn on those who give me anything, I yelp at those who refuse, and I set my teeth in rascals.
The sun too penetrates into privies, but is not polluted by them.
What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Ode to a Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
Remarks By Jackie Kennedy
Can anyone understand how it is to have lived in the White House and then, suddenly, to be living alone as the President's widow?
He didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights. it had to be some silly little Communist.
I don't think there are any men who are faithful to their wives.
I don't understand it. Jack will spend any amount of money to buy votes but he balks at investing a thousand dollars in a beautiful painting.
I want minimum information given with maximum politeness.
If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.
Sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes.
The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse.
Don't Worry
Don't worry, I'm not offended.
I'm just living in an empty bucket
and hearing echoes, dreadful echoes,
feeling the vibration but not the good
of metallic pings,
Gulping water just to get
All these throat-clutching pills
Down each morning.
I write sometimes just to hear
What I think sounds good
To my lazy tortured ear,
Though at the time it doesn't sound well,
And maybe I just want to see how long
It takes a penny to fail (oh how it falls!)
Or how far the teeter-totter pail will fall
(oh what a pall!)
Into that insensate bottom of the well
Where I live.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Bernard Berenson:
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago."
Deadly Misstatements
Meandering And Dithering
I have occupied myself with small details, arranging things in my primary rooms (bedroom, study), all without moving any heavy furniture, of course, over and over again. If you read TRS, you know some of this. But I keep working at it. Today I decided the small awkward desk in my bedroom needed a "post" or leg to support the fold-out extension. It may be nicely balanced for light use, but once or twice I'd leaned on the wrong part of it and the desk started to tip over in that direction. Bad move with the new tuner/CD player perched on it. But that led me out to the garage, in front of which I saw many branches I'd meant to pick up and burn and so I ended up on that side trip for an hour or two because I found more debris to pick up as I went. Shit. What fun.
Anyway, I wonder now if I'll ever repair or replace this stereo out here in the study? It was worth a lot of money, or cost a lot, in the old days but my tastes are not so demanding or esoteric any more. The amount I'd spend for someone to even check all these components might cost as much as some cheap-ass player that would probably suit me OK. I'd try to interest my cousin, the retired electrician, in testing the power amp and pre-amp, but he never seems to get interested in my sorry ass lately. I can't blame him. He makes noises like he's gotten better since his heart surgery some months ago, but I find him evasive and impossible to engage in conversation about anything for long. I doubt he's "changed", but I guess he's made his adjustments to it. He had another heart surgery decades ago when he was young; this one was probably even less tolerable since he knew what was to come. Possibly he's just old and crotchety, like others I know. Anyway, I'm not his problem.
I wanted to buy one of those armrest pillows (cushions) one uses to sit up and read in bed, but Wal*Mart didn't have them when I was looking the last couple of times. It's taking a long time, so I guess I'll have to shop elsewhere, even if I only phone other Wal*Marts! I've never really found anything that they didn't have when I went there, so this is a new experience. Other stores, yes, but I seldom shop at other stores.
I got the wild hair to buy a large or just full-size desk and I see that all the new ones are steel, or artificial steel, or plastic or something. I wouldn't mind a used one, but there again, that requires driving and shopping, two things I abhor and despise. la di dah.
I bought some cute animal fluffies (my name) for my niece and nephew. I hid them away because I'm not sure if they are Christmas presents yet or not. If I can't think of anything else good, they're Xmas presents. Bought myself an $11 paper shredder--not that I have so many important papers to shred, just that I hate tearing them up by hand or having to remember to take them to the burning barrel. Lazy is my middle name. Other than "Lucky", of course.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Celebrate 140 Posts At MFBQ
Now http://20stickyposts.blogspot.com/ has exceeded it's original goal of 20 important sticky posts by 120. Most Frequent Blogger Questions now has 140 helpful posts or FAQ's, and that's weird. It was never meant to grow to such a tome. It was just that I had accumulated about 20 useful Notepad files and thought that I could just print them out, then point Blogger Newbies in that direction, and go off and dream my dreams. It didn't work. Maybe it should have; there were many guides and Park Rangers and Goody-Goodies to tend the tender Newbies along the way without me. I've become just one of the crowd. That's how I see it. There are some of the "experts" who know more than I know, and it's plain to see. There are also some experts who don't even write with any frequency on the subject of Blogger codes and such, yet some of them know more than the rest of us, I think. They are busy with other clever work, I think, and only drop in at Blogger from time to time. Sometimes I think all of them know more than I do. Nonetheless, I can help. And that's not such a bad thing.
Shake The Goblins Off My Ankles
Life Is All The Same
I'll give those poems of yours a look, I said,
When I can shake these goblins off my ankles
Or goose my neck up far enough to take a gander!
Sometimes I get too damn caught up
In Blogger and its lost-child supplicants
And my own self-serving interest
In writing up those esoteric aspects
That I finally come to understand
In some eloquent post that only
Other bloggers will ever
Get the gist of or
Be so silly as to love
So much for Ego, I admit;
It always takes it all.
The Poet in me doesn't understand
How I can fritter away so much time
With this, but it's true.
And understand myself just as well
When I waste or spend
(Call it what your will)
hours and weeks and years even
On a single poem that never really ends
And may never be read,
But that's the art I draw upon myself
Whether any witness knows my labor here or not.
Sneaky Feature, Part Two
Fell Swoops!
Well, after following Panther's directions to replace my "Posted by" signature with a graphic of my initials, I couldn't quite get the graphic low enough. I wanted it to appear to be on the line with the other text, not floating above it. Now Semavil Lady has ridden to the rescue on her favorite Anatolian Shepherd Dog (hi yo, Silver!) and saved me. At any rate, she knew the rest of the steps to dance me through! Basically, I needed to use a transparent graphic. Now the "rcs." sits pretty much down on the same plane with the printed text. It's not that it looks so great that it will impress others, but it's what I wanted and thus it impresses me!
Therefore, I extend my own "Thank you, Masked Man's" to Panther (I'm sure Peter and some other experts had the info, too, but I bumped into Panther's first!), and to Semavi Lady (the smartest cookie in the box, I've told her!), and the Lone Ranger, too, (if he's still there) all in one fell swoop!
Remember "fell swoops", boys and girls? There were a lot of them when I was a teenager. It was one of my favorite cliches! But I digress. (What the hell else do I ever do here?)
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Lies About Myself
Ron Southern,
Chigger, Texas, USA
Tales of the junkyard dog: Clean and easy-going. Dirty-minded, paranoic, catatonic, droll, drastic, dramatic, savage, uptight, pissed off, dribbling, abstruse, and timid. Not to mention artful, artistic, arthritic, abusive, misleading, abrasive, abrupt, manipulative, eccentric, eclectic, dodgy, sneaky, squeaky, and totally unforgiving of stunts my friends pull!
DEAR SIDEBAR JUNKIES: Have I been eccentric enough lately? Lord knows I try. I'd hate to be accused of being too kind. |
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©Ronald C. Southern
(Would I pass off crap like this as mine if it wasn't true?)
Intelligent Blogs
revision99 is 20 - I guess I should mention that this blog turned 20 years old last month. It’s true that I haven’t been writing much for the past few years, but then you hav...1 month ago
And a Roadrunner, too - Alice seemed almost as excited about our seeing new birds as we were seeing them ourselves. On one of the first days we were there, she yelled “Roadrunner...7 months ago
Untitled Pandemic Series No. 5 - Things got dark. Painting No. 2 in Series of 6Approx. 7" x 8" Mixed media on paper Available here. Painting No. 2 in Series of 6Approx. 7" x 8" Mixed medi...3 years ago
UPDATE - First, I apologise for not visiting my usual blogs and Quora recently - I'm avoiding the computer as much as possible in favour of sitting in front of the ...4 years ago
John Kelly's Mission Impossible: You Can't Fix Stupid - By Manifesto Joe In a previous blog post, I made the mistake of overestimating Resident Donald Rump. I wrote that he isn't stupid in the classic sense. I ...7 years ago
Ted Cruz shows he only cares about himself by not endorsing Donald Trump in GOP convention speech - *By MARC McDONALD* From CNN on Wednesday night: *"Ted Cruz sensationally withheld an endorsement of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention on ...8 years ago
Quote of the Day - *Trump's path to power has been unnerving. His business is licensing out his own name as a symbol of opulence. He has endured bankruptcies and scandal by b...8 years ago
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November 2007
- Get Away Before You Explode
- Revert To Never-Never-Land?
- I Don't Wanna!
- The Usual Beat
- All Together
- Climbed Out Through the Bathroom Window
- Goodnight!
- Twiddler--Izzat Something Sexy?
- Sniff, Approximately
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- Goodbye Winston Hello Stalin
- A Season In Hell
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- Nobody I Know
- Fear, What Fears?
- Fragment
- Nother Clown Stamp
- Maniac Clown
- Old Friends
- Cute
- Humanity I love you
- One Bullet
- Dorothy Finds A Father Figure
- More Than Thirteen Terrible Thoughts for Today
- Another of Frustrated's Lists
- Send Brothers, Blogs and Money!
- Human Impulses Be Damned
- Hungry Recliners, Lazy Humans
- Out And About
- Further Inanimate-World Speculation
- Life?
- The Inanimate World
- Jeez. I Furfingfluffered!
- No More HR!
- Doppler Neck-toid!!!
- Tip Toe Through The Tulips
- Dog Remarks, Etc. by Diogenes
- What Drags
- Ode to a Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
- Don't Worry
- Ignorance--Whut?
- Deadly Misstatements
- Meandering And Dithering
- Celebrate 140 Posts At MFBQ
- Shake The Goblins Off My Ankles
- Sneaky Feature, Part Two
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