Thursday, March 29, 2007

That Other Young Blog

Hoogie woogie, wiggie woggy! My counter passed the 12 thousand mark at Most Frequent Blogger Quetions! What difference does that make? Hell if I know. Just seems like a big number to me!

Maybe someone will want to make a Hollywood movie? MFBQ on a shingle? Naked MFBQ? MFBQ Wars? Dream on, Rat...


  1. Face it...numbers are important to a blogger and if they don't admit it, they're lying!

    Your movie would be better than most!

  2. I don't know about you others, but it would bore me shitless!

  3. I dunno---I'm afraid it would SCARE me shitless!

  4. Who's going to play "you" in that movie, then Ron?

    Jack Nicholson springs immediately to mind!!


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)