Oops, this is a dangerous hint! If I make this white print on black background for political labels when there's only one, I guess I'll have to write more! I must be planning to do so. Oh, Jesus. I have a furious cousin who might write some for me if I dry up. He could write them in his name or mine, I don't care. Maybe he ought to; he used to have a blog, but now wouldn't blog if you flogged him. Besides, Beta would probably rip him a new asshole; it's done it to others!
Speaking of tearing anybody new assholes, Bush seems determined. The rotten son of a bitch wants more war and it seems like no one in the country has the guts to stand in his way, certainly not the Congress. What's the matter with them, I wonder? We've gotten to where not all of any group is in favor of continuing this fruitless war of liberation. The Iraqi people are now at liberty to begin a sectarian war and have done so, something that Arabs have always been good at. Maybe it stems from their desert tribal training. Even if Bush was sincere when he started, I don't believe he's doing anything now except stubbornly trying to come out of all this without backing down. He's the guy who's never liked to admit to being wrong. Reminds me of a drunken Texas frat-boy, which he used to be, and whom I used to observe at first hand back in Austin in the seventies! I remember one now, totally drunk and standing in the middle of the road, refusing to let one of his cohorts leave because he wanted to argue. Nobody would roll down the windows and talk to him, but they were in the middle of the road, stopping traffic in both directions. Sonsofbitches. When the police arrived, they broke it up, but arrested nobody.
Maybe I didn't see Bush, but I saw his like! When you're rich, you've had limited experience with being arrested or being knocked down and having the shit beat out of you! And that's his problem now. His personal predilections and agenda are forcing the country forward when there are fewer and fewer people who want to go! Goddamn it, when will he wake up? I guess he won't. Congress or the American people need to stop him. I don't know if we have the guts or not. There's been no sign of it. Why don't they impeach him just to keep him busy defending himself? I don't care if they make it stick. It didn't stick to Clinton, either, though it surely kept him busy and screwed up some of his administration. But Clinton doesn't have any balls, either, or else he'd call for impeachment! Maybe he could be the one that Bush turns to in the group and says, Et tu, Brute? For Bill is surely being a friend, otherwise, goddammit! Why can't we impeach? I guess Presidents have too much dirt on one another to get into a real battle, but why are the people shy? Does Bush have pictures of us all fucking a bunny rabbit? Is he blackmailing us into silence over this? Goddammit, get it over! End the war and save some American soldiers' lives. They're being thrown away for Halliburton, not for democracy.
It's time to sling some chicken blood! All of this Great Dignity that we allow to the President is not His; it belongs to the American people, and I wish they would do something about this distorted little bastard. He has become the kind of megalomaniac that Hitler and Nixon were, I think.
[For my nostalgia fans who want to read about one of the drunken Frat parties mentioned above, see the two bottom posts here (click on me!).]
"Let it go Louie, let it go." Ain't gonna happen you see.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know your reference and had to look it up. It seems to be a reference to a Budweiser commercial, but the details are missing.
ReplyDeleteReal sophisticated, I guess. What ARE you smoking?!
I didn't vote for Nixon but my parents did. Every once in a while I remind them of it. I think it fires up their current ultra-liberal guilty angst and fuels their fire to fight the GOOD fight. Mom's still the mayor, you know.
ReplyDeleteYou aren't old enough to have voted for Nixon, are you, my dainty? Seems to me like he's been gone for many decades!
ReplyDeleteStill giving your parents hell about that? Very amusing... But I'm sure you love them, as we have to love everyone except immoral SOB politicians.
Hi. Our mutual friend Jeanne told me about your blog so I've been checking it out.
ReplyDeleteRe: Bush. I'd blow him if it meant they would impeach him. Then Cheney would die of a heart attack while I was blowing him. Then we'd have President Pelosi.
Just an idea.
That's democracy for you
ReplyDeleteIf we're going to fight this "war" then we need to do it all the way, and not half assed. It's obvious the Iraqi government has not been able to stand their military and police force up to provide the level of personal security the Iraqi citizens need.
ReplyDeleteIf we send in more troops, we need to have a clear goal of getting the job done, instead of this "well we feel we're making some progress".
We also need to give the new Iraqi government a deadline. "Get your shit together by this day because we're hauling ass then." Iran and Syria will always be their treacherous neighbors, and they will need to know how to deal with them with force on their own.
And at the end of that time frame, if the Iraqi's can't do it themselves, then there's not much more we can do for them. They must not have wanted a democracy all that much.
(Although I do support providing ongoing assistance to the Kurds in Kurdistan, as they do have their shit together).
Congress needs to be firm about this. The main reason the democrats won the majority is because the voters wanted change.
You make a certain brnd of sense, Alisa, a sense that should have been applied when we first went in. But now you're still talking about staying. All of Iraq isn't worth this long, addle-pated attempt to control chaos and internecine fighting. Arabs are tribal, and won't stop any time soon. I no longer care about saving THEM, I just want to save us! I'm a selfish shit, so what?
ReplyDeleteDebbie, welcome!
ReplyDeleteRon, I agree with much of what Alisa
ReplyDeletesaid... I will suggest that you read (if you don't already) Michael Yon's blog (I have a link on my blog). He has some interesting points from the typical soldiers view on the ground where the shit is happening. You don't have to agree with what his views are, but it is a way of getting some info that is not readily available in the media... I am actually surprised that the government has not shut him down!
At any rate, I would like to hear your reaction to some of his writings....
No one could ever accuse Debbie of being unpatriotic. That's one hell of a sacrifice for our country!!!
ReplyDeleteAs for my parents, I only tease them lovingly. They've changed a lot over the years. In fact, I'd say they're the bloodiest bleeding-heart-liberals I know.
Debbie does appear to do--I mean, to be patriotic!
ReplyDeleteI think it's wonderful that your parents underwent that political change. To be willing to change is a wonderful sign of youthful attitude, reason, flexibility, lack of shame, willingness to move on in life. You are a lucky girl, it seems. Also, a Hot Mama! (Oh, come on, baby!)
Impeachment is innevitable now.
ReplyDeleteThe Nation Demands Impeachment Monday (Jan 15), Help us...
Take a moment, and help convince Nancy Pelosi to Impeach Bush/Cheney..
Pelosi most likely said impeachment was "off the table" to remove any appearance of conflict-of-interest that would arise if she were thrust into the presidency as a result of the coming impeachment.
What we need to do is to pressure Pelosi not to interfere with impeachment maneuverings within her party. Sending her Do-It-Yourself impeachments legitimizes her when she is forced to join the impeachment movement in the future.
Sacks and sacks of mail are about to be sent to Nancy Pelosi's office initiating impeachment via the House of Representative's own rules this Monday January 15th. This legal document is as binding as if a State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R. 635).
There's a little known and rarely used clause of the "Jefferson Manual" in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.
That's where we come in. In addition to a House Resolution (635), or the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial. ImpeachforPeace.org has created a new memorial based on one which was successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find it on their website as a PDF.
You can initiate the impeachment process and simultaneously help to convince Pelosi to follow through with the process. Do-It-Yourself by downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in. Be a part of history.
oh I do agree, Ron. I wish we had done things a lot differently when we first went in. And you are right, you cannot change 1000s of years of religiously tribunal leadership overnight.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rhodent for the Michael Yon blog, I will have to check that out!
Even if Bush were somehow right, as he insisted on 60 minutes, I think the American people have already moved on in their thinking, and he's defying them and the universe to stop him.
ReplyDeletep.s. fathairybastard was pestering me here with long vitriolic argumentative rhetoric that belonged on his own blog, not mine, and I deleted his comments. He could disagree with me and I'd take it, but not those LONG disagreements. This is my blog and forum, not his! Every once in a while, somebody goes overboard. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's me.
ReplyDeleteHi Ron,
ReplyDeleteNice job with your post and with your blog. You mention that you don't "get political" very often---but after reading your post, I hope that you write about politics more often. It's good that there are folks like you and me to show the world that not all Texans are Bush-loving NeoCons.
Marc McDonald
The time has come for a massive nationwide impeachment march on Washington to demand that Bush be held accountable.
ReplyDeleteCheck out March to Impeach.
Thanks, Marc! I'd recommend you to my more serius readers if they weren't all silly twits!
ReplyDelete(Er, kidding, just kidding...)
Bush is frightening in that he refuses to even consider he might be (GASP!!) wrong.