Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Danger--Soup Ahead!

No comments—it's so sad. Guess I'd go kill myself if I could be neat about burying myself afterward. Guess I could go find a giant construction site—a new dam or something—where I could jump into the concrete. I'd be dead, I'd be buried, and I wouldn't stink up the place any more! The rest of you morons could go on like nothing had ever changed, at least until it's time for you to jump into the soup. Everybody's got some soup waiting for them somewhere, whether it's concrete, salt water, or minestrone.


  1. I guess I'm not the only one who needs a little pity party once in awhile. I'm sorry I haven't posted comments lately - I know how much fun it is to get one and how worthless I can feel when no one does.

  2. Comments that don't imitate a canopener always make me feel High, sexed up for another game, and smarter than the average joe!

    I'm not kidding. Well, maybe just a little.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)