Friday, August 22, 2008

Bomb The Bastards!

Won't these goddamn Olympics ever end? I haven't been watching them intentionally because nobody's forced me to watch, not exactly. But it's on the news so often and all the talk show mavens are "talking" about it in their usual aimless, pointless manner (as if it's better than sex) that it seems to me like it's "on" day and night, sixty minutes an hour! I have never so badly wished that somebody would drop nuclear bombs on China! Now would be a good time.

Do you think the nations of the world would still have Olympic games four years from now? As if nothing had happened, despite the incineration of thousands of contestants? Shoot, who knows, maybe that would be the way to officially end the games every time from now on. NBC could leave the cameras on and step out quickly "for a smoke", then high-tail it to their waiting airplanes! BOOM! Ah, the host country just paid the price for all that attention and glory! China (or whoever) won't have to explain why their gymnasts all look six! The ultimate way to destroy all the evidence!


  1. I know I'm somewhat of an oddball to you, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the Olympics...from the first opening moments and expect to through the closing moments.

    They never fail to feed my hunger for a true coming together in peace, competition, national pride, expectations of tomorrow's youth, and suspense! I love the Olympics and just wish I had gotten off my lazy ass and been involved back when I could have.

  2. I don't know why I'd consider you an oddball when you are in fact the goddamn "typical" enthusiast/viewer in these matters. Sports are way too popular. I disagree with all the goddamn fucking millions of you, but don't worry--I'm perfectly at ease with my "oddball" status. I just don't like stadiums or big yellow buses where everyone starts feeling like they "belong" to something larger than themselves. I always jump out at the earliest possible moment even if it causes bruises and abrasions!


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)