Monday, June 16, 2008

Taking Off My Pants

Taking off my pants today, putting them back on tomorrow...maybe...if I feel that way. Have fun today, that's all I can say--tomorrow we may have to put our pants back on!


  1. We must grab it when and where we can, but tomorrow we may have no pants to put on again.

  2. It rained today while I had on my short pants. It didn't seem to make much difference. I've been wet before. You, too?

  3. Say, you're retired, what the hell do you need with pants anyway?

  4. To keep up appearances! Besides, without them my wife attacks me...I need a little rest.

  5. I imagine that girl scouts attack you, too, but with othehr things in mind--maybe you were hanging out in a no-putz zone?


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)