Friday, October 12, 2007

Dog-Breath Taste-Free Ruminations

My friend Janice at Semavi Anatolians mentioned virtual food to me in a convoluted fun email, that it was calorie-free. I can't explain the exact context because we talk such beautiful long nonsense (via emails), but I thought "How very true" about her statement.

I went a year or more with my taste buds in some equivalent of being deaf or blind. I couldn't taste much, or it didn't taste good, which was just as bad. The textures of familiar foods were repellent when their taste was something like cardboard or grass or dirt. Never could identify those tastes; maybe they were just bad tastes (like something the dog had just dug up and scarfed down!) and the tastes didn't really resemble anything I'd ever had experience with. You could lose a billion pounds if that kept up. I guess you'd end up a very Free Soul--or do they call that a wraith?

Now most (but not all) food tastes good again, enough to have to worry about not eating too much of it. I came back up from a loose size 34 to a snug 36 (pants), but remember I started out as size 42. So, I guess I'm doing okay. Have been lingering around 160 lbs. , two or three lbs. one side or the other. I am still miserable after a fashion; everything I do requires a good deal of concentration and attention: even just making a sandwich and a drink for lunch and sitting down before I'm too tired. It's tiresome when your brain is counting every step in the process--if something slips up or can't be found, I take God's name in vain 3 or 4 times before I can stop myself. Not that I care, but others might.

Actually I thought that was interesting when I wrote it to Janice. I told her maybe I'd copy it for the blog "in case my brain runs out of fodder". That's always happening.

I wasn't lying; here's the proof that it happened again! I hope Janice doesn't feel cheap and tawdry just because she's been recycled. You think?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I'm flattered. :)

    (and abductions are no fun sometimes, wish I could have responded earlier!)

    OH, but this is cool, I've been away so long that they've worked out an easy email way to subscribe to blogger comments. :)


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)