Thursday, September 20, 2007

That Would Be Just

Artificial Jones: I am as upset by injustice as anyone, though I do not usually expect America to police every occurrence in every country where injustices may occur. If we begin to do so, however, we should start at home.

We could start Here. Or we could start There. I don't mind. How do you vote?


  1. I'm all for isolationism - coming home and building up our borders and defenses. In vesting a lot of money into fighting drugs and poverty.

    However, before we can do that we must open up our own waters and land for energy exploration. Tree huggers just don't realize they are at the root of foreign intervention and wars. They have also got to allow nuclear energy to become primary in this country.

    But, until then, we must keep killing THEM and us!

  2. Killing is such sweet sorrow!

  3. Peace, peace!!!
    But peace is nowhere.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)