Sunday, September 16, 2007


The Soviet Union went bankrupt in part due to its hubris in trying to quell Afghanistan, I always thought. I wonder if it's impossible that we could do the same thing with Iraq? By the time we know the answer, it will be too late--George Bush will be gone and so will all the lives and money.


  1. Maybe that's what is needed to waken some parts of the population to what is going on. So many seem complacent and uncaring. It'll be unfair to those who have striven against this administration, but just as "all boats rise" in the good times, all boats will sink in the bad. Mine too, and I'm not even a citizen yet.

  2. The Soviet Union did 'better' job in Afghanistan than Americans, because Soviets had 'better' methods to enslave people and really had control there for years. They had people who were adjusted to terrain in Afghanistan - very important!

    Now, there is unspeakable situation; every tribe has its hole to hide, not to mention other threats, like diseases.
    Poor American soldiers...
    As for Bush, he plays his role...and one day will be as u say.

  3. Bush has conducted this war so that most of us are unaware of any cost or inconvenience. There have been no shortages. The financial costs are being deferred to the future. We'd be more disturbed if it were otherwise.

  4. That was always my opinion too, and yes, it could happen here to I suppose. The only difference is we have private enterprise which grows from the production of war. The Russian government owned everything, so there was little profit made internally from their war.

    There are those that always make money off war, and with free enterprise it would take a lot longer to hurt the country overall.

    I learned back in basic economics that the government debt was just money we owed ourselves, so it was not really that big a deal.

    I suppose we will see.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)