Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some Kids

Don't ask me what the little chick is doing. Some kids have imagination, some have brain damage. Sometimes, one leads to the other!


  1. I would say she's using her brain quite well, and that it's obviously in the right spot---her HEAD! Now, if this were to be in MY CASE, I'd say that I have MY brain quite well protected, with that pillow!

  2. Why would your brain need any protection?

  3. She looks suspiciously like one of mine.. I'm just off to do a head count, next time you see her, can you please round her up and point her home?? (Tell her she can forget supper, too!)

  4. she's protecting her bum! smart kiddo.

    now adays parents have their kiddos so protected from injury that the kids are shrouded from head to toe. no wonder they prefer to sit inside and play xbox.

  5. Only a really smart chick learns to cover her ass at a young age...

  6. Obviously she's pandering on the street!

  7. I thought it was pretty smart, too, though that may have been Momma's idea!

  8. Well, give her a break, those are the kind of ideas they had in the....geez, 1930's? '40's? It sure looks like an old photo!

    (Not because it's black & white, Ron, but because the kid's not sitting on her butt playing Doom)

  9. Good point! I wonder which would be easier, faking the photo or faking the old kid's dress?


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)