Monday, November 24, 2008

Semolina Dildo

Feeble, fible, fable and all,
They say Jay Lemmon tried to sound like Bad Dylan in this song
And left a sad pleasant confusion for us all!!
Textperts, jexperts, it jus may be
Just as you say, boy, messed in the way, oy!
The crowd's all gone now except for the bad boy,
Colors gone too how, all fished out from frim to Fry-day,
And as faded as some poor little Jewish Tuesday can ever be!

Words, what they mean and what they sound like,
Can paint a picture, either internal or external,
Real or imagined, for the author or for the listener,
And that meaning's not always the same
For either or neither or even
Any third party who's just looking on...]

This was or is a taste of the old
"I am or was The Walrus" sort of thing...
I hope you didn't blow your mind out in a car
Or anything like that.
We all have been somewhere by now, old chaps,
So prepare your Steely Dese and get wit it!

1 comment:

  1. It should really have been called Millard Semolina, name of the great-granddaughter of Millard Fillmore, 13th President of U.S. But it wasn't.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)