Friday, April 25, 2008

Damn WHAT To Hell?

People who talk to me of Faith or religion are like cats who bring me dead lizards or caterpillars--it's sometimes interesting, of course, but seldom useful.


  1. Someone once said, "I'd rather die believing there is a god and find out isn't one, than die and find out there was one."

    Which wastes the most time?

    Luckily for you don't matter...He'll forgive you in spite of your bad self!

  2. If there is a God, I'd rather he didn't waste any time duping me. Others seem to think it'd be ok just because He was God. One might as well think it'd be ok if Satan did it.

  3. Such Politics of Magic elude me.

  4. That's a classic. Belongs in your quotable quotes.

  5. Thanks, bug girl; bring me some chocolayr syrup and I'll eat your tasty self with it!

  6. I had to look at the picture if see if it was you. Have you lost your mind, Theresa? As if I don't have enough obnoxious gits spouting Godgabble.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)