Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Haircut

Don't ask me to explain such a bad haircut. I can only take credit for the bags under my eyes.


  1. Funny how we keep gettin' more and more forehead...ain't it!?

  2. That shirt doesn't photograsph too well. It comes off looing like a "coat of many colors". It's not that great in real life!

  3. That shirt doesn't photograsph too well. It comes off looing like a "coat of many colors". It's not that great in real life!

  4. I always had "much" forehead. And gave good forehead, too, if I can judge by the wiggles.

  5. Somehow you this never struck me as a "highbrow" kinda place, ron.

  6. Highbrow?! What'd I say??? Though I am pretty highbrow compared to some of the ginks that come around here sometimes. We can't all be as diverse and poignant as you are!


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)