Friday, December 18, 2009

Every Connection

Every connection I intend
Fails at coming through.
I see failure here and falling behind,
Nor will they depart.
There can be no expectation of great success,
No way to turn that isn’t just another wrongful guess.

So suck it up and believe what you believe,
Which is nothing,
And let the other suckers go on by us;
They don’t have a worry
That we’ll be famous for our sins
Or adored for our crimes.

They look relieved and relaxed
Even if that’s only how they look,
And I wish I could be that way—
Never feel spotlighted or trapped like a rat
By all their endless jabber while I invent
These cold false smiles to brush them off.

Created on 12/6/2009 5:37 PM


  1. i should probably stop wastingl poems on you busy Christmas geeks. Nobody will notice at this time of year. But if I'm not writing for myself, I'm writing for other poets, many of whom are dead and insensaate and many of whom are busy writing poems!

  2. Hmmmmm.....I'm not too busy being geeky, but I'd love to read a poem which uplifts me rather than makes me feel cold and depressed, Ron.

    How about writing a nice schmaltzy, cheesy feel good verse for the season ? Grit your teeth and give it a

  3. i never attempt to overcome gravity.


Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! (At least put on your socks and pants.)